Saturday, October 31, 2009

Welcome aboard, young Samuel Kirk Nobles!

SamuelKirkWell, my little brother Zack and his wife Alev now have two children running around the house.

Well, their oldest son – Isaac – is running. Samuel Kirk was born just this week, so I doubt he’s doing much of anything other than crying, eating and being – well – a baby.

The little nipper was born at 4:16 a.m. on Oct. 26 and weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces (he was a few days early). Oddly, my brother and his wife didn’t name the kid until about Wednesday and that came after months of struggling to find a name.

We’re glad to see young Samuel and – as you can see from the photo above – he seems healthy enough (and notice how tired my brother looks). With Alev and Zack in charge, I have no doubt he’ll grow into a fine young man before long. Those two can take care of all problems from “A” to “Z",” after all. Heh. “A” to “Z.” Zack and Alev. Funny stuff.

It’s late and I’m tired, so have a little mercy, huh?

A fascinating thing about this kid is that my brother and sister-in-law opted to have him at home. That sounded a bit on the pioneerish side, but the child was delivered with no problems and Alev got to rest comfortably at home instead of in a hospital. Perhaps those two knew what they were doing.

I love the middle name of “Kirk,” too. Every time I hear that, I’ll think of the Spizzenergie song in the below video:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sexual misconduct with a horse?


Being a former newspaperman and a current public relations guy means that I still know a lot of journalists.

Thankfully those folks send me some articles from time to time. A friend of mine sent over an article today about a man who is accused of engaging in sexual misconduct with a horse and then fleeing.

I assume he was fleeing from the cops rather than a possible relationship with the horse.

Now, all this took place in Texarkana. I had hoped it took place on the Texas side. No such luck. The whole thing is being heard on the Arkansas side of the city in Miller County, so we’ve got ourselves a Natural State crime.

Good grief.

I’ve noticed the accused – 57-year-old Harry Johnson – has turned down a pretty good plea bargain. In exchange for a no-contest plea, the defendant was to receive a 60-day sentence in jail with credit for 53 days served.

Not a bad deal as Johnson could go to prison for up to a year if convicted. He has refused to take the plea and I can’t say I blame him. Who wants to go around being known as a horse rapist?

By the way, I wonder if people accused of sexually assaulting animals in Arkansas has to register as a sex offender? Fortunately I don’t practice law anymore so I have the luxury of not giving a damn.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Music Monday – Generation X!

Yes, it’s a young Billy Idol…

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PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Razorbacks should never play in the morning


Yes, the Arkansas Razorbacks utterly failed against Ole Miss today to the tune of 30-17 on Saturday.

Sadly for the fans of the perinially underachieving Razorbacks, the game started at 11 a.m. Why’s that unfortunate?

Because most of us simply can’t start drinking so early in the day and watching that game sober was a true chore. Yes, it might be easy for a bunch of college kids and 20-somethings to tie on a healthy buzz that early in the day, but some of us have kids and responsibilities to worry about and can’t get good and liquored up to endure a Razorbacks game.

And this game was a horrible one, folks. Watching the Razorbacks lose to a team coached by Houston Nutt is humiliating. That man is about as sharp as a sack of dog poop, yet his team managed to make the Razorbacks look like straight-up fools.

Nutt coached here for a decade and you’d think we’d know better than anyone that he would run the ball constantly. Regardless, Dexter McCluster managed to rack up 332 rushing yards against the Hogs and the defense often looked shocked that a Nutt-coached team would run the damned ball most of the time.

Bobby Petrino was highly touted when he took the head coaching job before last season. He’s now been beaten twice by that moronic Nutt. Twice. The mind boggles. That’s rather like being consistently pranked by the retarded kid in high school.

Meanwhile, I do believe I’ll skip those morning games for the time being.